Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Braden-12 weeks old

Advantages of being my best friend with a baby! I get to use Braden all the time for photo ops. Posing babies was harder than I thought but it was fun too. Here are a few pictures of sweet baby Braden. I just love the one I caught of him smiling.

Dont you just love this smile! He's such a sweetie!

Baby Announcement

I can't take credit for all the pictures, but I did make this announcement for Debralea to announce the birth of her baby boy, Braden.

Monday, August 11, 2008

JT and Irma

This is my brother and his girlfriend, Irma. They wanted a few pictures of them together so while at our parents house today I got some great shots of them. This first is my favorite, they were dancing in the yard to some neighbors accordion music. It was so sweet.