Saturday, July 19, 2008

My model for the day...Lacy

I am currently taking a photography class and I had to bring someone to class to photoshoot in the studio. So I chose my baby sister, Lacy to model for me. Here are the final touches from some of the shots we took. It was a lot of fun, thank you, Lacy, you were a great model.


victoria said...

kari these are great. I am so glad you are loving this class. and that last shot is so cool!

Nicci said...

Love the pics they are awesome! Don't know if it was your talent or that beautiful model! LOL! :)

Now and Then Photography said...

These Rock! I love all of them. What a great model you have. I will have to borrow her sometime.

Debralea said...

These all look really good. I like the first one the best, I think. And the black and white one. Well, they are all good. I can't wait to see more!!!