Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rogers Family

My last name may as well be Rogers as much time as I spend with this family, I feel like apart of it. My best friend and her gracious husband and most precious baby boy asked me to take their first family portraits this weekend, so of course I did! Braden couldn't have been cuter in that hat!! His smile just melts me!


Debralea said...'re too sweet. And you ARE part of the family. :) I can't tell you enough how much we love the pictures! You are awesome! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful family. :)

Flying Butt Pliers said...

Great addition to your blog Kari!

Linda said...

Kari, you are a fantastic photographer! Congratulations on the wonderful work you are doing. Of course, I am a bit prejudiced toward that Rogers family!