Monday, September 29, 2008

I need your vote

I am trying to design a logo and these are the two that are my favorite, but I cant decide which one I like more. I need your vote to help me decide!

Also, I changed my blog name address from Kari Sanchez Photography to Brown Eyed Girl Photography, so make sure you save the new one!


As you may have noticed I changed it again, I combined both ideas into one which I found to love anymore, do you? Thank you all for your imput. Prices will be posted this week! Stay tuned.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


I'm testing out some new logos I'm designing so if you see different changes to my blog that's why. I'm trying to get the perfect one and trying to create it myself so let me know what you think!
Prices will be posted soon so stay tuned!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Gruene, TX

Yesterday my sister and niece met me in San Marcos and from there (after shopping of course) we went to Gruene for the day. It was so pretty. I haven't been there since a child and there are so many photo ops there. You can't go to Gruen without going to the General Store and getting a Blue Bell ice cream cone, it's tradition! I can't wait to go back! So here are some pictures of Gruene and some of my sister and my daughter Ashlyn.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Nicci & Matt Moralez Wedding

My best friend Nicci, from high school, got married this weekend in Colorado at the Hudson Gardens. It was beautiful and perfect weather. Her family is a second family to me and I love them so much, it had been way too long since I had last seen them. I'm so happy I got to share in her perfect day. Matt is such a sweet guy and together they make such a sweet couple.

Nicci's brother, David, my best friend also, is who walked Nicci down the aisle. This was his first moment to see her. It was so sweet and so moving.

This is Matt's daughter who was such a pretty flower girl

This is one of Nicci's nieces, Savannah, I couldn't resit taking her picture.

Nicci wore her grandmother's wedding ring and watch.

And off they went to honeymoon in Jamaica!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Shea is my lifelong friend and also now my guinea pig for photoshoots. As the kids played, we took photos and here were some of her best. She has such pretty green eyes!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Crystal turns 1 !

The Stabeno family have been life long friends of mine since I was about 3 years old and have become a second family to me. Their son Jake got married to Yadi and had this precious baby girl, Crystal. They celebrated her 1st birthday a few weekends ago so I volunteereed to take pictures of the event. Yadi also wanted me to take some photos of her, one hot mama, and of the family before the party started. Here are some of the birthday girl herself and her mommy and daddy.

Avery & nieces

My nieces both live in the Beaumont area so they had to evacuate this past weekend because of the hurricanes so they came to Bastrop where my sister lives and we were all able to get together yesterday for Labor Day. I took advantage of them while I had them for a mini photoshoot and here are the results! They are so pretty, love you girls!